A collection of 230 posts
10 Min read
You’ve hit a tipping point, and you need help. Use this guide to make the best hire you possibly can
Len Markidan
5 Min read
Hiring great people is not enough. You need to empower them to do great things. Here’s how.
6 Min read
Many businesses are making a big mistake when it comes to winning customer loyalty. Don’t be one of them.
Your customers’ first experience with you can determine whether they become loyal customers or fast churners.
4 Min read
Customer service agents handle more emails than just about anyone. Here’s how to deal without going crazy.
Many support teams focus solely on answering questions rather than asking them. Here’s why that’s not enough.
You put a lot of work into every new feature you build. Maximize the impact of your effort with this simple customer outreach strategy.
7 Min read
The job description of a service agent goes far beyond a single role. Here are all the customer service roles you need to master to excel
Most customers will abandon products after their first login. Here’s how to reduce churn and create loyal, long-term customers.
Every business sends receipts, yet few ever give them a second thought. Don’t make that mistake.
What do you do when your customers don’t speak your language?
Bad customers are bad for business. Here’s how to deal with them.
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